How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance for Minors [With Tips on Online Submission]

One requirement for minors to travel abroad (or even on visa applications) is a DSWD Travel Clearance. It’s a requirement to keep those not yet adults to be secure or protected. There are no doubt child traffickers or abusers out there, to keep the children safe, it’s better to follow this. Here’s a guide on how to get a DSWD Travel Clearance for Minors.

How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance for Minors
Photo by Steven Coffey on Unsplash

The rules are as per DSWD Administrative Order No. 12, s. 2017 or the Omnibus Guidelines for Minors Travelling Abroad. It’s better to register online then have an appointment as to lessen interaction with people. However, online applications are limited to a few regions. There had been cases on which minors were not allowed to travel abroad or granted visas because of this. Make sure you read thoroughly to get one!

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What is a Minor?

As per the A.O.’s definition, it’s a person below 18 years old or someone who is over 18 but can’t take care or protect him/herself due to physical or mental condition.

Minors required getting a DSWD Travel Clearance

  • Traveling alone using P.H. passport only for travel outside the Philippines
  • Those traveling with the prospective adoptive parent(s) for intercountry adoption
  • Going with a person that is not the parent, legal guardian, or in custody of the child
  • An illegitimate child traveling with biological father
  • Married minor stated above (P.S. a married minor is someone below 18 who is married at an early age due to their cultural or indigenous practices)

Exempted from getting a DSWD Travel Clearance

  • For legitimate children, those accompanied by either or both parents
  • Illegitimate child traveling with biological mother
  • Illegitimate child traveling with biological father, if the court has granted him sole parental authority or custody
  • Accompanied by Legal guardian
  • With a parent who has been granted sole parental authority or custody by a court
  • Traveling with adoptive parents, with adoption decree and certificate of finality
  • Minor who is an immigrant or a permanent resident abroad with a foreign passport or parents have diplomatic or official passports

Who can file for application of DSWD Travel Clearance

  • Parent(s) or Legal Guardian
  • Traveling Companion
  • Duly Authorized Representative of parents within the 4th degree of affinity or consanguinity
  • Legal guardian supported by an authorization letter

Requirements needed for a DSWD Travel Clearance

  • Minors Traveling Abroad Application form (if online, there’s no need to download)
    PSA Birth Certificate
  • Notarized Affidavit or written consent of parent(s), solo parent, or legal guardian permitting the minor to travel to a foreign country and/or authorizing a specific person (with valid I.D. with signature) to accompany minor
  • Two (2) original colored passport size photos of the minor – taken within the last 6 months from the application

Other Required Documents:

Requirements for Minors Traveling Alone or with a Companion other than Parent or Legal Guardian

  • Affidavit of Support and Certified Copy of Financial Capability of Sponsor – e.g., Certificate of Employment, Latest Income Tax Return, Bank Statement,
  • Original copy of previous Travel Clearance (renewal)
  • Passport Copy of Travelling Companion
  • Unaccompanied Minor Certificate from Airlines
  • Waiver from the parents releasing DSWD from any liability or responsibility in case of an incident during travel of child

Requirements of Minors under the care of Parents/Legal Guardians/Solo Parents

  • Married ParentsPSA Marriage Certificate
  • Under a Legal Guardian – Copy of Court Order on Legal Guardianship
  • Solo Parent – Solo Parent ID or Certificate of being a solo parent, court decree on legal separation, annulment, or divorce
  • IllegitimatePSA Certificate of No Marriage
  • For Muslims – Tallaq or Fasakh certification from the Shariah Court or any Muslim Barangay or religious leader
  • Sea Man Parents – Certificate from Manning Agency attesting Parent’s Employment, Seaman’s Bool (copy)
  • Deceased Parent(s) – PSA Death Certificate
  • Missing Parents
    • Social Case Study Report from a Social Worker
    • Blotter Report from Police or Barangay Certificate
    • 1 Returned Registered Mail to the last known address
  • Under Foster Care
    • Notarized Affidavit of Undertaking by Foster Parents with the following details: Purpose of Travel, Destination, Duration, Commitment to appear with the child to the Regional Director after 5 days of return in the country
    • A notarized affidavit of Consent from Regional Director or Authorized Representative
    • Copy of Foster Placement Authority (Original must be presented)
    • Copy of Foster Care License of Family (Original must be shown)
    • DSWD Certificate stating that Child is available for adoption
    • Return Ticket

Other Supporting Documents:

  • Migrating to another country – Visa petition approval
  • Studying Abroad – Certificate of Enrollment or Acceptance or Registration from School
  • Conference, Tours, Camps, Exchange Program, Pilgrims, Competition, etc.
    • Endorsement Letter of School Head
    • Certificate from Sponsoring Organization
    • Affidavit of Undertaking of Companion (if sports competition)
    • Invitation from Sponsoring Agency or Organization Abroad – with itinerary, list of participants, and duration
  • Medical Purposes
    • Medical Abstract of Minor, Recommendation from Attending Physician (e.g., the procedure is not available in the Philippines), Letter from sponsor covering the expenses,
  • For Inter-Country Adoption
    • Placement Authority issued by the Inter-Country Adoption Board
    • Authority to Escort issued by the ICAB

How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance Walk-In

STEP 1: Gather all the documents required.

STEP 2: Go to the nearest DSWD Field Office, along with all your documents. You may call them ahead to have an appointment or ask if the in-charge will be present.

STEP 3: Give your documents so that you will be assessed.

STEP 4: Once you are approved, you will be given a payment stub. Pay the Fee at the Cashier. It will cost PHP 300 for 1 year, while its PHP 600 for two years.

STEP 5: Present your Official receipt to get the Clearance printed. Receive it and use it for travel purposes.


How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance Online

(Available to NCR, Region 7, and 9)

STEP 1: Gather all the documents required. Scan them Ahead.

STEP 2: Go to this website.

How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance Online for Minors

1. Choose Travel Clearance for Minors Travelling Abroad.

2. Register to an online account.

How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance Online for Minors

3. Sign-up.

4. Then, log-in.

How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance Online for Minors

STEP 3: Select Minor Travelling Abroad Form or Apply for Travel Clearance for Minors Travelling Abroad. Fill up the information asked.

How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance Online for Minors

How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance Online for Minors

STEP 4: Upload the documents needed.

How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance Online for Minors

STEP 5: Review the documents then submit the application form.

STEP 6: You will receive an e-mail that your form has been received. After the initial assessment, you will receive another e-mail for the interview schedule.

STEP 7: On the appointment date, go to the DSWD Field Office with original copies of the documents. Pass it to the officer-in-charge.

STEP 8: Once you are approved, you will be given a payment stub. Pay the Fee at the Cashier. The fee is PHP 300 for 1 year, while its PHP 600 for two years.

STEP 9: Present your Official receipt to get the Clearance printed. Receive it and use it for travel purposes.

How to get a DSWD Travel Clearance for Minors
Photo by Octav Cado on Unsplash

Sometimes it will take less than a day in getting a DSWD Travel Clearance, especially if your documents are complete. What takes time is gathering the documents. You can do this a month before your travel or before the visa application as it doesn’t expire immediately. You’ll have to secure usually before applying for a visa as a DSWD Travel Clearance is needed as a requirement. I hope this will help in your future travels!


About the Writer

Lyza Paloma

Hey, I’m Lyza! I once was a person who just imagined going to places “one day” but decided to pursue my dreams. My first travel abroad was in Japan, solo, last 2018, and fell in love with the journey since. I’m aiming to visit 10 countries before turning 30 and 2 new places in the Philippines every year. Besides traveling, I love organizing trips, photography, reading, and making new friends. Follow my adventures through my Instagram.



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