How to Get NBI Clearance Online [Guide to Online Application Registration for NBI]

NBI Clearance – one of the favorite requirements in getting a passport or a job in the Philippines. What is an NBI Clearance, btw, bakit natin kailangan ito? It is to make sure that you don’t have any criminal liability or charges.

How to Get NBI Clearance Online
Screenshot from National Bureau of Investigation

If anything has been filed against in the court in Manila, even if you are applying from Visayas, your status will still be known. NBI Clearance is for all over the Philippines however the Police Clearance is in your local area. If you are getting a police clearance in the Visayas, you would be cleared even if you have a case in Manila.

Though medyo prejudice, because even if you are convicted of a crime, you still have the right to work or get employed after you have served your sentence pero this will serve as a warning to your employer.

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Now we will discuss how to get an NBI Clearance Online. This generation is so lucky with technology and such since, in my time, I would wake up early just to get a good spot or have a number for the NBI Clearance. You line for checking, picture taking and paying; grabe ang tagal nun kesa ngayon punta ka lang sa appointed time mo, picture then tapos na!

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Here are the steps on how to get an NBI Clearance Online:

NBI Clearance Online Registration

1. Go to this website.

How to Get NBI Clearance Online

2. See “Register New Account” and choose between “Yes” or “No” – From 2014 until today If you have an old NBI, then choose yes if not no.

3. Fill-up the form below. (This is shown if you checked NO, if YES, it will ask your old NBI Number). Then click sign-up. If wala kang middle name, then you can put “Not Applicable” or “MNU” (Middle Name Unknown.)  If you have “Ñ” and it isn’t accepted, please take note of that during your appointment para ma-change nila.

How to Get NBI Clearance Online

4. Sign-in using the email address and password you used in signing up.

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5. On the upper-right corner under your name, click “Edit Information.”

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6. Fill-up the necessary information. When doing this, it’s better if you have your birth certificate with you since most information is found there like your Parent’s Name and Birthdates.

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7. Review and Save Information. If ever you have mistakes in your information and already paid, ask the person to edit your information during the day of your appointment. 

There you have it, you are now a step closer to having your NBI Clearance online! What’s next?

Apply for NBI Clearance Online

1. On the upper right-hand corner, below your name, click “Apply For Clearance

2. Choose which type of ID you will be presenting and click “I Agree.” However, when you are there you need to bring two (2) Valid IDs as per NBI Clearance website:

  • UMID – Unified Multi-purpose ID (SSS and GSIS)
  • Philhealth ID
  • Voter’s ID or Certificate of Registration
  • BIR (TIN ID)
  • PAG-IBIG ID (not the Loyalty Card)
  • Postal ID
  • Certification from the Local Civil Registrar
  • Certification from Malacañang in connection with indigenous groups, tribal membership, a foundling
  • Solo Parent ID
  • Company ID
  • Police Clearance where the applicant is resident of the station’s jurisdiction
  • Seaman’s Book and SIRV
  • School ID with current registration card
  • Senior Citizen ID
  • Marina
  • Previous NBI Clearance

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3. Select an NBI branch nearest to you and choose if either you want to go in the morning or afternoon.

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4. After choosing, choose a mode of payment then click “proceed.” There will be an extra fee for the e-payment service of Php 25.00. As per the NBI Clearance website, you can pay thru the following:

How to Get NBI Clearance Online6

  • Bank Over the Counter
  • Online Banking
  • Bayad Center Outlets (E.g. Cebuana Lhuillier, SM Savemore, LBC, Robinsons, Palawan Pawnshop, etc.)
  • Bayad Center Mobile App (Download the Bayad Center app in the App Store or Google Play store.)
  • ECPay (RD Pawnshop, Petron Corporation, San Mig Food Avenue, etc.)
  • 7-Eleven

5. A summary of your payment and your appointment schedule will pop-up.  Click “Proceed to Payment.”

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6. A reference number will pop-up and use it when paying. Pay the NBI Clearance fee of Php 130.00 + 25.00 (e-payment service fee) = Php 155.00.

7. On the upper left corner, see transactions. There will be a “Pending” status if you haven’t paid yet but a “Paid” status afterward. 

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8. Click the details and you will see the summary of your appointment. Remember your reference number; list it down or save it on your phone. This will be used during your appointment day.

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If you are curious, here’s a sample of the application form. You don’t need to print this though, the reference number is the important one.

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NBI Clearance Appointment Day

1. Remember to bring 2 Valid IDs during your for your NBI Clearance appointment. Wear proper attire going to government offices. Avoid slippers or shorts too. Sleeveless clothes, spaghetti, see-through, sando, tube, halters and the like are not allowed.

2. Go to the Photo and fingerprint taking section. Give them your NBI Clearance “Reference Number” or “Application Form.”  Get your picture taken; remove jewelry (earrings, necklaces, and colored contact lenses) during picture taking. Your fingerprints will also be taken.

3. Review your details on the screen. Di bale if mukha kang wanted sa picture mo. If you have some corrections in your application, please tell the NBI personnel. If you are “Hit”, you will be asked to return on another date. If you do not then proceed to the next step.

4. Go to the printing section. Wait for your name to be called and you are done!

NBI Clearance Abroad

Even if you are outside of the Philippines, you can still get an NBI Clearance; however, it would not be online or done in a day; you need to go to the Philippine Embassy or Consulate near you so that they could facilitate you in the process.

According to the Department of Justice, here are the guidelines in applying for an NBI Clearance Abroad.

1. Ask for an NBI Clearance application form (NBI Form No. 5) from the Philippine Embassy or Consulate nearest to you.

2. Fill out the form and ask an employee to assist you in fingerprinting. The one who assisted you shall sign on the form.

3. Attach the following:

  • Recent 2×2 picture with white background
  • Photocopy of Passport
  • Other Valid IDs

4. Register here. Apply for clearance and copy the reference number. This will be used for the retrieval of your data.

5. Include money order or bank draft amounting to Php 200.00 (Php 115 for clearance fee; Php 85 send clearance certificate), payable to NBI Director. Cash is also accepted.

6. Send a completed application for to:

Ms. Sandra P. Sobida
Mailed Clearance Section
3rd Floor, NBI Clearance Bldg.
UN Avenue, Ermita, Manila
Contact Nuber 523-8231 loc 5465

  • Processing time for is 5 days from the date of receipt of documents
  • If a relative would submit the documents, an Authorization Letter is required
  • For renewal; If you have an NBI clearance (2011-2014) certificates shall be authenticated by ICTD (Information and Communication Division). Send it and follow steps #3 to #6.
  • If you have NBI Clearance for 2014 and beyond with no correction; have it also authenticated by ICTD follow steps 3, 5, and 6, skip 4.
  • Please check NBI dry-seal when receiving the NBI clearance and put your right
  • Authentication Process Fee (for fingerprint or documents) will differ per country.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does it mean if I am “HIT?”

It means that in the database, someone who has the same name as you has a criminal case, so they need to double-check. Kaya mas mabuti if you have a unique name, para hindi na pa-balik-balik.

2. I was asked to come back for a Quality Control Interview? What should I do?

Be there on the date and time specified; it’s an interview with an NBI Clearance personnel regarding your identity. Someone with the same name might have a case, so if you don’t have one, you don’t need to worry.

3. I got HIT, how many days should I wait before my NBI clearance can be claimed?

Come back on the day the NBI personnel stated, however, it is usually ten (10) days. It could be shorter or longer depending on the number of applicants.

4. I can’t come back on the said day, what do I do?

You can come back for your NBI Clearance within the week or the next one.

5. Can my NBI Clearance be claimed by another person?

Yes, however, you need to make an Authorization Letter.

6. I had an emergency and missed my schedule, should I pay or apply again?

You can go to the branch ASAP. Check your application form when it is still valid.

7. I forgot to pay within 24 hours, is my reference number still valid?

It’s not anymore. You need to make a new appointment as the old reference number will resort to error.

8. I chose to pay thru Bayad Center, can I pay thru 7-Eleven instead?

No, you need to follow what you chose as it might be invalid.

9. Can someone else apply to my NBI Clearance?

No, the schedule is yours; they need to make their own appointment.

10. Can someone else apply for NBI Clearance me?

No, even though they bring your documents or know you; they need to capture your photos and fingerprints.

Getting an NBI Clearance Online is very easy! Before you need to wake up early in the morning, and line at the payment counter and then at the data counter and printing counter before you are done. Now you can set-up an NBI Clearance appointment online, go on your date and line only once and you have it. Get your NBI Clearance online and use it for your employment and travels now 🙂


About the Writer

Hey, I’m Lyza! I once was a person who just imagined going to places “one day” but decided to pursue my dreams. My first travel abroad was in Japan, solo, last 2018, and fell in love with the journey since. I aim to visit 10 countries before turning 30 and 2 new places in the Philippines every year. Besides traveling, I love organizing trips, taking pictures, reading, and making new friends. Follow my adventures through my Instagram.


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