How To Fill Out the Philippine Airlines Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form

To easily locate and contact customers, Philippine Airlines asks its passengers to register online and complete its Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form. It will be easier and safer as you will probably skip writing on paper and using pens at the airport. If you don’t know how here’s our guide on how to accomplish a Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form for Philippine Airlines.

How to Get Refunds on Philippine Airlines
Photo by Kentaro IEMOTO CC BY-SA 2.0

Please note that this is for domestic passengers of Philippine Airlines; we will update you as soon as other airlines like Cebu Pacific or Air Asia also have these features. Please note that having this would not automatically let you fly with PAL as you have additional requirements needed, which we will also tackle below.

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Requirements Needed in Getting your Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form

Philippine Airlines (PAL) Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form for Domestic Travelers

  • Valid E-mail Address
  • Flight Details

How to Accomplish your Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form

As much as possible, do this 3-5 days before your flight:

STEP 1: Proceed to this link and enter the details needed. Review it and click ‘Next.’ On the next page, you will click ‘Submit.’

Philippine Airlines (PAL) Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form for Domestic Travelers

STEP 2: Check your e-mail as there will be confirmation for pre-registration as well as the instructions for the next process. Take note of your Unique Reference Number.

Philippine Airlines (PAL) Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form for Domestic Travelers

STEP 3: Click the link provided on the e-mail so that you can use the PAL Passenger and Health Declaration Form. Your Unique Reference Number will be used.

Philippine Airlines (PAL) Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form for Domestic Travelers

STEP 4: You will be asked questions like your personal information, address, and activity for the past 14 days. Click ‘Submit’ if you are done.

Philippine Airlines (PAL) Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form for Domestic Travelers

STEP 5: Check your e-mail for the confirmation that you have already done the form. A QR Code will be sent to you. Please save a soft copy of this on your phone or print this so that it will be presented upon check-in.

Travel and Health Documents Needed for Passengers

Returning Overseas Filipinos

Locally Stranded Individual

  • ID
  • Travel Authority by JTF-CV Shield or Permit to Travel
  • Medical Certificate from city or municipality you currently reside or lived before your departure stating that you are an LSI, neither a contact, suspect, or probable case AND you have either completed a 14-day quarantine OR tested negative twice through RT-PCR – Certificate should be issued within 3 days before the flight

Authorized Persons Outside Residence

  • ID (preferably Company ID) or proof of Occupation

Other Requirements:

Please note that there are additional requirements per province or municipality; here are some samples, but you can check this link from time to time as there may be changes:

This may relate to some provinces or places, but you can double-check with your LGU.

  • Notice of Coordination or Letter of Acceptance by the Receiving LGU or Municipality – you may contact the IATF Unit of your Municipality or the Rural Health Unit as to how to get this
  • You may need a Negative Test Result before coming to your province
  • Returning people or visitors may be subjected to Mandatory 14-day quarantine; some maybe for free, some at your own expense (if you don’t find the quarantine facility comfortable, you may go to a hotel or place that accepts ROF or LSIs for a fee)

Rapid Test Partners of Philippine Airlines

Here are the partners of PAL, where you can get discounted fees and priority. Please present your ID, PAL Ticket as well as QR Code (from the Form). Please contact them ahead as some are by appointment only.
In case you can’t go here, don’t worry, as test results from DOH Accredited Centers or Hospitals can be accepted. This list is for those who want a discount.


One Health Medical Services, Inc.
Pasay City
(+639) 66-561-7639
[email protected]
Test Results Release: 20 min (Rapid Test)
Test Results Release: 1 – 2 days (RT-PCR Test)

Fe Del Mundo Medical Center
Quezon City
(+639) 17-5583-726
[email protected]
Test Results Release: 2 – 3 days

Cardinal Santos Medical Center
San Juan, Metro Manila
(+639) 49-333-5489
[email protected]
Test Results Release: 3 – 5 days

New World Diagnostics
Branches at: Quezon City, Makati City, and Pasig City
Test Results Release: 2 – 3 days

Kaiser Medical Center
Branches at: Makati, Manila, Quezon, Cavite
Test Results Release: 24 hours

Safeguard DNA Diagnostics Inc.
Branches: all over Luzon
Test Results Release: 1 – 2 days


What to do at the Airport or Before Your Departure

STEP 1: Register and fill up the Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form at least 3 days before your flight.

STEP 2: Secure the required documents so that you could go home, especially requirements by your LGU and/or a Negative Test. There are facilities all over the country that are accredited testing partners of PAL or DOH.

STEP 3: Proceed to the Documents Check Booth at the Airport. You will be asked to scan your QR Code, and your documents will be checked. You will receive a stamp that you are okay to go.
If you are not in Manila, you will pass your documents to the check-in agents who will assess your documents and scan your QR Code. You will receive a stamp that you are okay to go.

STEP 4: Check-in for your flight.

STEP 5: During your flight, facemasks are required as well as face shields that are of good quality. Please also be aware of protocols such as social distancing.

STEP 6: When you go home, please follow the protocols of your Local Government Unit.

Rent A Flight

That’s our guide for PAL’s Passenger Profile and Health Declaration (PHHD) Form and their requirements. It’s a bit of a hassle, but it is more convenient than writing your name and your contact details over and over; just one typing of code and scanning of the QR Code and you are done. It’s handy for contact tracing as you can see some penmanship are hard to read; some even put on aliases like ‘Bruce Wayne’ or ‘Optimus Prime.’ Good luck on your journey home!


About the Writer

Lyza Paloma

Hey, I’m Lyza! I once was a person who just imagined going to places “one day” but decided to pursue my dreams. My first travel abroad was in Japan, solo, last 2018, and fell in love with the journey since. I’m aiming to visit 10 countries before turning 30 and 2 new places in the Philippines every year. Besides traveling, I love organizing trips, photography, reading, and making new friends. Follow my adventures through my Instagram.



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